Shop & Gallery Chikubuen

Takano Chikuko's new base "Shop & Gallery Chikubuen" was born in a place rich in history and nature, adjacent to the forest of Nagaoka Tenmangu, Hachijogaike Pond, and a beautiful bamboo grove. Until now, Takano Chikuko has established a workshop in Nagaokakyo, and while protecting and cultivating high-quality bamboo forests, we have inherited the techniques cultivated over many years in the production of tea ceremony utensils.
Here at Chikuseien, we hold various special exhibitions and events as a place where you can actually see, touch, and experience the products made by craftsmen with the aim of passing on their skills and knowledge to future generations. increase. In addition, we aim to function as a place for intellectual exchange by holding cultural gatherings on topics related to bamboo and the natural environment, as well as the creation of a sustainable society.

"Chikuseien" was originally built by the bamboo shoots kaiseki restaurant "Kinsuitei" to commemorate the Osaka Expo in 1970, and is an old ryokan that retains the atmosphere of the Showa period. In the store, you can take your time and look at a wide range of products, from tea utensils that Takano Chikuko has been working on since its founding, one-of-a-kind items that shine with the charm of craftsmanship and materials, and household goods that add color to your life.
We look forward to welcoming everyone.

  • 暮らしの道具展





  • 「竹林便り」竹花入れ展




  • 坐禅と中国茶の会





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京都府長岡京市天神2丁目15-15 錦水亭竹生園内
金土日月祝のみ営業 10:00~17:00
tel : 075-925-5673(営業日のみ)
email :
最寄り駅:阪急「長岡天神」 徒歩10分
     JR「長岡京」 徒歩20分

2-15-15, Tenjin, Nagaokakyo, Kyoto, 617-0824, Japan
Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon & Holidays 10:00~17:00
10 minutes walk from Hankyu Kyoto line ‘Nagaoka-Tenjin’ station
20 minutes walk from JR Kyoto line ‘Nagaokakyo’ station