Online Exhibition 受け継がれる木工の美展 -妙喜庵桜の茶杓 The beuty of woodworking ‐Myokian Cherry Blossom Chasyaku

Online Exhibition 受け継がれる木工の美展 -妙喜庵桜の茶杓 The beuty of woodworking ‐Myokian Cherry Blossom Chasyaku


高野竹工直営店「Shop&Gallery竹生園」で茶杓・指物・漆と蒔絵の四部構成で好評開催中の「受け継がれる木工の美展」。4月16日から5月5日まで開催されました第一部「妙喜庵桜の茶杓編」では、 妙喜庵国宝茶室「待庵」の北西側に佇む桜の古木で設えた茶杓をご紹介いたしました。 20189月京都を襲った台風は各所にその爪痕を残し、この古木の桜もその風力に耐え切れず大きな枝がくず折れることとなりました。あれから4年、しっかりと乾燥した古木は今年漸く職人の手で新しい命を吹き込まれ、「茶杓」として生まれ変わりました。


"Shop & Gallery Chikubuen" is currently holding a four-part exhibition of The Beuty of Woodworking. The first part, "Myokian Cherry Blossom Chashaku," was held from April 16 to May 5. The chashaku is made from an old cherry tree on the northwest side of the National Treasure tea house "Taian" at Myokian. The typhoon that hit Kyoto in September 2018 left scars all over the city, and this old cherry tree could not withstand the force of the wind and large branches were broken off. Four years have passed since then, and this year the old tree, which has dried well, was finally given a new life by our craftsman and reborn as a "chashaku" (tea scoop).

We are pleased to introduce the limited edition of "Cherry Blossom Chashaku"  online along with the archive of the exhibition.

We will introduce three chashyaku with calligraphy by the monk Shiko Takeda of Myokian, and we can also inscribe your choice of any other chashyaku with the inscription of your choice.


The Beuty of Woodworking -Myokian Cherry Blossom Chashaku



 Chashyaku (tea scoop) with calligraphy by the monk Takeda Shiko of Myokian.

Click on the title to go to the online store and view close-up images and other details.




Title: "Zenchakutsu"a hermitage of Zen and Tea
This is the another name for Myokian.
Chasyaku: Cherry (with bark)




Title: "Kokoro-no-Tomo" , kindred-spirit
Chasyaku: Cherry (with bark)




Title: "Senshin" , cleanse one's heart
Chasyaku: Cherry (with bark)




We produced a limited edition of 24 chashyaku with or without cherry bark.
We can also inscribe the name of your choice on the chashaku we have in stock.

Please contact us if you wish to use this very special opportunity.



